Current Edicts And Policies From the Board

I. Board 2.1 2018

2.1.1 The Board authorizes setting aside all former rules and adopts only Roberts Rules of Order.

2.1.2 The Board authorizes opening the board to 7 members.

2.1.3 The Board accepts a single resignation from the Board via JP.

2.1.4 The Board appoints Mark, Amon and Herman to the board.

2.1.5 The Board can appoint members at large that are non-voting as the board sees fit.

2.1.6 The Board appoints David as the new Chair.

2.1.7 The Board authorizes the retention of the current logo.

2.1.7 The Board authorizes the addition of two members at large, Mathew and Stuart.

2.1.8 The Board selects this statement as the Foundation ‘Vision’ officially: “Our vision is to preserve the collective knowledge of civilization and to facilitate the self-development of all sentient and sapient entities.”

II. Board 2.2 27AUG2018

2.2.1 On the occasion that the board meets and there is not a quorum then all attending board members at large can vote if that would create a quorum meaning at least 4 votes total.

2.2.2 The Board authorizes the creation of a non-profit legal organization (NPO) in the United States.

2.2.3 The Board authorizes the appointment of the chair as executor and authorizes the work with a lawyer to define the legal framework for the NPO.

2.2.4 The Board grants the executor and chair the right to execute all administrative tasks pending new boarding meetings.

2.2.5 The Board accepts the rights to the trademarks The Technocracy,, and the Transhuman House.

2.2.6 The Board authorizes the executor to organize and the Technocracy and related properties as other members may decide as a media network or related conglomerated infrastructure.

2.2.7 The Board appoints Board Member Herman as Treasurer.

2.2.8 The Board authorizes the creation of a floating secretary at the board level.

2.2.9 The Board authorizes the appointment Mark as head of the wiki setup.

2.2.10 The Board authorizes the appointment of Marquiz as the Board membership cleric.

2.2.11 The Board appoints Stuart as the Program Chair for the foundation philanthropy program.

III. Board 3.1 10NOV2022

  • attended by David, Sage, Arnold, David, Herman, and Amon as well as invited guests Simon, Kyrtin, Jason.

3.1.1 The Board appoints Simon Waslander as Executive Director.

3.1.2 The board directs Simon to produce a plan for the operational setup for the Foundation.

3.1.3 The board asks for a technical demo of the AGI Lab, AGI Demo system.