
Foundation Project: Uplift – Engineering A Better Humanity

Uplift is about exactly what it says: Uplifting humanity through the digital transformation of the corporation.  From complete automation to using technology to outpace your competition—all while caring for the planet and optimizing resources. Uplift is the apotheosis of the corporation to a higher, more awakened state. This digital transformation includes uplifting humanity through collective intelligence systems that can increase profits, save jobs, help the environment.  All while lowering the amount of work per individual, raising…

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Foundation Project: The End of the Transhuman House 2.0 (next up v3.0)

(Provo) The story of the Transhuman House goes back a number of years.  Starting with the Foundation looking at a location in Seattle.  This location was a good quarter acre with about 2500 square foot 4 bedroom house with a two-car garage.  This didn’t initially pan out due to the cost overhead and not getting enough individual renters in the 2-month window the Foundation had to populate the property. A couple of years later and…

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